from the Massachusetts Master Gardener Association Nov 2018 newsletter, The Dirt
Looking to collect and save monarch-friendly milkweed seeds Asclepias spp.? Check plants now for long, narrow seed pods. Unopened pods can be tested for maturity by gently pressing on the seam; if the pod opens, you're in luck! Remove the central rib, then gently separate the seeds from the fluff.
Pods already popped? Gather the seeds (floss attached) in a paper sack, add a few pennies and shake to separate. Cut a slit in the bottom of the bag, and the seeds should fall free.
Keep watering perennials, trees and shrubs until the ground freezes. Plants spent the growing season putting out leaves and flowers. Now they've turned their attention to building strong root systems to get them through the winter; and that takes water! Newly-installed plants are especially water-dependent. UMass Extension counsels that if we hit a 5-7 day period without at least 1" of rainfall, everything (except established lawns) should get a healthy drink.
from the Massachusetts Master Gardener Association Nov 2018 newsletter, The Dirt
Looking to collect and save monarch-friendly milkweed seeds Asclepias spp.? Check plants now for long, narrow seed pods. Unopened pods can be tested for maturity by gently pressing on the seam; if the pod opens, you're in luck! Remove the central rib, then gently separate the seeds from the fluff.
Pods already popped? Gather the seeds (floss attached) in a paper sack, add a few pennies and shake to separate. Cut a slit in the bottom of the bag, and the seeds should fall free.
Keep watering perennials, trees and shrubs until the ground freezes. Plants spent the growing season putting out leaves and flowers. Now they've turned their attention to building strong root systems to get them through the winter; and that takes water! Newly-installed plants are especially water-dependent. UMass Extension counsels that if we hit a 5-7 day period without at least 1" of rainfall, everything (except established lawns) should get a healthy drink.